Contador adicinado em Janeiro / 2008

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oliver James talks about Hilary Duff

Oliver James, (Hilary's costar in RYV,) recently did an interview for & he was asked about Hilary, here's the question & response:
TONY: Going back to your acting career, a couple of years ago, you worked alongside Hilary Duff in Raise Your Voice . What do you remember about working with her during that period in her career?
Oliver James: I just remember that we had a fun time. It was the first time that I'd shot a movie in the states, and she was a very sweet girl. I think she was sixteen then or just seventeen. I just remember having fun working with her and her being a very nice girl.
TONY: You've also worked with Amanda Bynes, another very popular female actress, and it's interesting, because that was really your first breakout role. What do you remember about dealing with everything back then?
Oliver James: I don't really know how I did it at the time, because that really was one of my first acting jobs, actually. I mean, I'd done a few things before that, but it was like being launched out of a cannon. It was a completely different realm of reality. I think I just coped with it however I could. It was amazing. At the time, I was twenty-two I think and this was all new to me. I was working with Amanda, who was sixteen, seventeen at the time, and she'd been doing it all her life. She's a seasoned pro, and there was me at twenty-two and all new and green to the process.
TONY: How impressed are you with the way that Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff have handled the Hollywood spotlight?
Oliver James: I think an acting career or performance in general, it's important to remember that it's a slow burn. It is a career, and if you handle it properly, it can last a lifetime. You can be performing and doing your best work way into your sixties, seventies, or however long you have the desire to continue with it. So I think if you approach it with the attitude that Hilary and Amanda have and there's a lot of young actors that take their craft seriously and I think that's important. I have absolute admiration for what they've done. It's not an easy business, so to have had success in it is incredibly commendable.
Oliver James, (que participou de Na Trilha da Fama com a Hilary) recentemente fez uma entrevista para o onde ele foi perguntado sobre a Hilary, aqui estão as perguntas e respostas:.
TONY: Voltando para a sua carreira de ator, alguns anos atrás, você trabalhou com Hilary Duff em Na Trilha da Fama. O quê você se lembra sobre trabalhar com ela durante aquele periodo da carreira dela?.
OLIVER JAMES: Eu apenas me lembro de que tivemos um momento diverto. Foi a primeira vez que eu tinha filmado um filme nos Estados Unidos, e ela foi uma garota muito doce. Eu acho que ela tinha 16 ou quase 17 anos. Eu apenas me lembro de ter tido um trabalho muito divertido e de ela ter sido uma garota muito simpática..
TONY: Como você está impressionado com a maneira de como Amanda Bynes e Hilary Duff lidam com a fama de Hollywood.
OLIVER JAMES: Eu acho que uma carreira de ator ou a atuação em geral, é importante lembrar que isso , it's important to remember that it's a slow burn.É uma carreira, e se você lidar bem com isso, ela pode durar a vida toda. Você pode atuar e fazer seu melhor trabalho estando com 60, 70, ou o quanto você deseja continuar com isso. Então eu acho que se você encara-la com uma atitude que Hilary e Amanda tem e há muitos jovens atores que tomam isso a sério, eu acho que isso é importante. Eu tenho absoluta admiração pelo o que elas fazem. Não é um trabalho fácil, então por ter tido tal sucesso é extremamente louvável.
Source: 411mania / Traduçao loocas

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